Joshua W

Joshua W

from £25.00 every month

Joshua W is 10 years old and in Primary 4. He comes from a large family with 4 sisters. HIs parents are farmers and earn very little. His favorite color is white and he likes to play soccer. He has dreams of becoming an engineer someday in the future.

To sponsor Joshua’s school costs for £25/month, select “School Sponsorship” from the dropdown below.

The family are looking for a sponsor as they are short of food, and sleep on the floor. Family sponsorship would provide a monthly food parcel to the family, as well as funding beds, mattresses and mosquito nets for the family.

To sponsor Joshua’s family costs for £58/month, select “Family Sponsorship” from the dropdown below.

They are also needing a house. The cost of building this is £10,000. A large amount, but possible with a big fundraiser!

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