

£25.00 every month

Mouren is in third grade and lives with her parents who are farmers aned make ends meet by doing odd jobs. Mouren’s father is an alcoholic and is absent some of the time.

She’s only been at the school for a short while but she’s making great academic and personal strides and her self-assurance is skyrocketing.

The lack of a steady source of income for Mouren’s parents, along with the effects of the drought on the crops they grow on their tiny homestead plot, can make finding enough food to eat at home a challenge.

She has been sleeping on the floor and so is her parents and their tiny house is only halfway finished and is therefore too dangerous for them to live in just yet.

By becoming Mouren’s school sponsor, you will find 12 months of education, two hot meals a day, a new school uniform, shoes and resources.

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