


Queen is one of our primary 5 pupils and recently achieved an average grade B in the national exams. Her results were:

Kiswahili - A

English - A

Social studies A

Maths- B

Science and Technology- B

Civics and Ethics B

Being able to provide education to girls in Sub-Saharan Africa is a powerful tool in breaking the cycle of poverty and combating deeply rooted social issues. When we invest in a girl's education, we are directly contributing to the eradication of early pregnancies and forced marriages, which are often the result of limited educational opportunities. Educated girls are more likely to delay marriage and childbirth, understand their reproductive rights, and advocate for their own health and well-being. Furthermore, education empowers girls to stand against harmful practices such as genital mutilation and other oppressive traditions. It opens doors to economic independence, greater awareness, and the ability to make informed choices about their lives. By supporting the education of girls through Roof of Africa, you are not just changing individual lives; you are reshaping communities and fostering a future where women are equal participants in society. Your contribution is crucial in turning the tide against these injustices and building a more equitable world.

For £25 a month you can sponsor Queen to continue her education for a month or you can pay a one-off payment of £300 which provides education for a year.

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