

£58.00 every month

Suzan is a very strong and charming girl. She has been at Roof of Africa for 4 years now. She first came when she was in nursery school and she is in Primary 4.

She is progressing well both physically and academically. She does best in social studies and civics subjects. Her favorite color is pink and she like to jump rope. She has dreams to become a teacher someday in the future.

Thanks to the fundraising efforts of Haus of Conservation, Suzan’s school costs have been covered for 12 months. However, we are still looking for a family sponsor.

Her mother is sick, she paralyzed years back so her parents are taking care of her. Suzan’s grandfather is undergoing treatment for Cancer which is very expensive for the family. Suzan’s father is nowhere to be found for a long time now. Suzan’s grandmother is a farmer and she earns very little - not enough for the treatment of her family members. Suzan is the is the last born in a family of 3 children.

Family sponsorship would cover the medical costs of the family, as well as a monthly food parcel, beds and mosquito nets.

To sponsor Suzan’s family costs for £58/month, click Sponsor Me below.

The family also need a new, safe home suitable for them. This would cost around £11,000. Up for a challenge to raise this for Suzan and her family?

Sponsor Me!